The only word that could describe our morning


“The only word that could describe our morning routine is CHAOS! It really is. Every September I swear I’m going to make my son’s lunch the night before and get the kids’ clothes set out for the week. Yeah doesn’t happen.  Some days I feel on top of it all but most days…  I set the alarm for 5:30 and hit snooze once or twice.  I set the coffee, feed the dog and cats and head to the basement to workout.  There are plenty of mornings I have a partner in crime with me, often Joshua, who wants to play PS3 Wrestlemania while I exercise and who literally doesn’t stop talking to me the entire 1/2 hour.  I then check in on my current fitness challenge group and answer Facebook messages.  By 7am I should definitely be in the shower if I have even the slightest chance of being on time to work.  The kids come downstairs to the den and often look for a TV show or the root of all evil in this house… the iPad.  The “diner” is then open and they eat breakfast while I shower. The hubby prepares the water bottles for everyone and our nutrition shake that he and I drink on the way to work. After the shower, I grab the kids clothes, they get dressed (still wanting help at 4!), get their teeth brushed, hair done, snacks packed for school while Eric showers. After they wander aimlessly around the house, we get out the door, most days at least 10 minutes later than we should. One of us takes the twins to daycare and the other takes our 8 year old to before care. After drop off, there is usually an “Oh my goodness what the heck was that?” kind of sigh and then the traffic filled commute starts. I actually like the commute because I either listen to personal development or Elvis Duran and the Z Morning Zoo and drink my shake.  I have to be at work by 8:50 am, and a 1/2 hour commute usually takes 50 minutes at least.”   -Danielle

By | 2016-06-08T18:34:18+00:00 June 8th, 2016|Surviving|0 Comments

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