Sponsor 2018-03-19T09:28:14+00:00

How To Sponsor

Each month, contest recipients receive prizes from sponsors.

These Instagrammers really connect with these sponsors.  The Instagrammers follow the sponsors’ Instagram account, interact with and begin to become attached to sponsors that really interact back with them.  Each sponsor gets quality follows from real moms, authentic in their feelings and appreciation of sponsors.  These Instagrammers don’t just like and leave – they become loyal to the brands that they feel are loyal to them.

As a Sponsor:

1. Share the List of prompts and the announcement about your sponsorship (main profile or stories)
2. Send the prize to the winner after winner announcement.
3. During the course of the contest, Like and Comment on a few of your favorite entries. This will help provide visibility to your Instagram profile and show active involvement to participants.
4. If possible, send your product to the host/hosts (if within the same country) so the host can showcase your product on their Instagram during the course of the contest. Depending on the terms agreed between the host(s) and the sponsor(s), and the value of the product sent or commercials involved, the host may do a detailed blog post reviewing the product too.

Ready to attract a new, authentic audience?

Fill this out below and we’ll contact you!

[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form]