I used to drop my kids off at my parent’s house promptly at 7am


“I used to drop my kids off at my parent’s house promptly at 7am on my way to work. The process of getting my two kids awake, out of bed, dressed, brushed and fed required precise time management, patience and on some days, negotiating skills not seen since the Cuban missile crisis.  There were mornings we, as Team Sennes, just could not get it together. I remember one particular “Jesus take the wheel” kind of morning we were running late and Jackson wanted a waffle. We had no time for waffles. After  promising, bribing and begging with this now full on tantruming 4 year old while keeping one eye on the clock, my hands buttoning buttons, zipping zippers, packing backpacks and feeling a level of stress this uncaffeniated Mom just couldn’t handle, I broke. I knelt down to his level, locked eyes and said, in that strange calm voice I get when I’m so done and said steely “You want a waffle?” “YES!!!” Jackson cried. “Ok, fine, I’ll get you your waffle” I went to the freezer grabbed a waffle and marched outside with him right on my heels, opened the door to the car and Frisbeed it in the car where it landed next to his booster seat. “There’s your waffle” I said winningly and turned on my heel to get my daughter.  Jackson thought it was hysterical and bounded in the car pretending to be a puppy that had to fetch. What can I say, we got to Meema’s, Jackson got his waffle and I wasn’t late for work, so there you go. It wasn’t a Mom win by any measure, but sometimes you just need to take the draw and move on.”   -Kim

By | 2016-05-22T12:22:30+00:00 May 16th, 2016|Surviving|0 Comments

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