For nearly 3 years after my twins were born


“For nearly 3 years after my twins were born, there wasn’t such a thing as “Me Time”.  All my time was dedicated to working full-time  taking care of the kids and a household.  Well, at least that is what I thought. I just couldn’t take it anymore.  I was 30 lbs overweight (listed as obese on the Doctor chart) and I was always exhausted.  I had everything I could ever want- a husband who was my best friend, 3 beautiful, healthy children, a career I loved and a circle of family and friends.  Yet everyday, I cried.  I cried when I got dressed in the morning.  I cried out of exhaustion at night.  I avoided social outings as much as possible because the thought of going out at night and even finding an outfit was daunting.  I decided to order a fitness program and figured it would just sit on the shelf like the others, however, on July 28, 2014, I pushed PLAY and never turned back.  Something clicked and I knew that I needed to focus on getting healthy so that I could be around for my husband and children for as long as possible. I started because of my kids, not as an excuse, as a reason WHY. I then learned quickly, that I actually had plenty of extra time in the day that I had spent playing Candy Crush or perusing Facebook, or even watching The Bachelor. By taking that 30 minutes of “Me time” every day to exercise, I became a better wife, mother and Speech Therapist. Now my “Me time” consists of 30 minutes of exercise, listening to personal development on or podcasts during my commute and building an online business helping other busy mamas how to get their “ME” back.” -Danielle

By | 2016-06-08T18:32:56+00:00 June 8th, 2016|Mom Time|0 Comments

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