From the moment Charlotte was born


“From the moment Charlotte was born she was a warrior. She was due to arrive in May 2014. Little did I know, on February 18th, she would have other plans. I was home alone with my 2 year old when suddenly I felt a ginormous gush. I didn’t think much of it, until I went into the bathroom and there was blood everywhere. I immediately called my mom and mother in law who rushed right over. With everyone in panic mode, I drove myself to the hospital, trying to stay calm. Upon arrival they discovered at 28 weeks I had an undetected privia which was causing me to actually hemorrhage. Doctors were flying in and out of the room and the blood just kept coming. After a few hours on bed rest, I went into labor. They told me I was imagining it, but as the labor progressed, I knew this was no figment of my imagination. Contractions increased and intensified and after 4-5 hours, I felt the need to push. Since you can’t have a natural labor with a previa, they knew this was trouble. The blood flow kept increasing and after a tidal wave gush, I started having back labor. My husband who was working underground finally showed up after 6 hours, just as things started to get ugly. Doctors and nurses were everywhere, checking me frantically and trying to figure out what to do and how to stop this baby from coming. I was in immense pain and knew with every ounce of my mama intuition that Charlotte Rose was about to make her grand entrance. With every contraction, the pain intensified and caused me to literally scream out. If you ever had true back labor you know what I mean when I say I would rather die than ever experience that again. Just when I could take no more, a huge gush of blood flow sent the doctors into delivery mode. My husband suited up and we were rushed into surgery for an emergency c-section. I was put totally under at the risk of losing my own life and my baby’s. My husband was forced to wait in the hall. After what seemed like forever, my 3 pound, 1 ounce warrior arrived and was rushed to the NICU. When I woke up, I was told we were both going to be okay and that it was a miracle we both survived. Some one was watching over us both that day. Turns out I have a placenta abruption which usually does not end well for mama and baby. We got lucky. I was told it was also a true blessing I was so in tune with my body and knew to tell them every step of the way what was happening. Charlotte stayed in the NICU for 7 long weeks and basically had a smooth ride with no complications. She simply had to grow. She is my warrior girl and she lives up to the name every single day.”   -Amy

By | 2016-05-04T09:45:51+00:00 May 3rd, 2016|birth stories|0 Comments

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