So Mom guilt is a thing

“So Mom guilt is a thing. It’s real, too. I’m amazed at how often I feel guilty, about really stupid stuff too. The milk I gave her wasn’t organic, she played with my phone for 5 minutes, whatever. Most of the time, I realize I’m being ridiculous and can brush it off, but these pregnancy hormones aren’t helping. The other day I was pretty much in tears because I felt guilty about having another baby; that maybe she would think we didn’t love her as much anymore so we decided to have another one or something.

But, you know something I never felt guilty for? Dropping off my daughter at day care to go to work. Sure, I missed her, and I still do. But of all the things to feel guilty about all day long, I refuse to feel guilty about having a job that I love. No mom should. I have been very lucky, I’ve always been surrounded by powerful and independent women; my mom, grandmas, aunts, friends and family. Both the working and the stay-at- home moms were and still are nothing short of inspirational. I want my daughter to always know that she really can have it all. There is no reason that a woman can’t have a successful and fulfilling career AND be a present, loving mom. The two aren’t exclusive.” -Jenny

By | 2016-05-13T08:24:47+00:00 May 13th, 2016|Working vs SAH Moms|0 Comments

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